”Doing Well, Don’t Worry” – Kvindemuseet åbner udstilling i Cairo sammen med arabiske samarbejdspartnere
En bevilling fra Udenrigsministeriets program Fund for Academic Cooperation and Exchange muliggjorde, at Kvindemuseet i maj 2016 kunne starte opbygningen af et tværkulturelt netværk til udveksling af viden og erfaring mellem museer, universiteter, studerende og fagfolk i Danmark og lande i Mellemøsten. Målet var at skabe et fundament for udviklingen af kvindemuseer i Mellemøsten.
Ønsket om at indsamle og dokumentere kvinders verdener og derigennem synliggøre kvinders betydning for samfundet og kulturhistorien danner derfor baggrunden for projektet. Gennem de sidste årtier har et stort antal europæiske lande set en opblomstring af kvindemuseer (Danmark, Norge, Tyskland, Østrig, Italien m.m.), som kombinerer kvinde- og kønsforskning med museologien. I Mellemøsten har man set en lignende udvikling med dannelsen af forskellige institutioner med fokus på køn og ligestilling, men i disse lande er der endnu ikke oprettet et museum med særligt fokus på kvinders kulturhistorie.
Et af de synlige resultater af arbejdet blev vist for den egyptiske offentlighed, da udstillingen ”Doing Well, Don’t Worry” Short tales of Women’s Work and Mobility åbnede i starten af maj. Udstillingen, der er baseret på interviews, giver et indblik i 21 forskellige egyptiske, jordanske og libanesiske kvinders liv og virke. Deres fortællinger inviterer os til at gentænke, hvad vi forestiller os om kvinder, bevægelse og arbejde.
Udstillingen blev modtaget med stor begejstring, da den åbnede på Falaki galleriet i Cairo, den 2. maj. Når udstillingen pakker sammen d. 23. maj, rejser den videre til både Amman, Jordan og Beirut, Libanon, og planen er, at den skal vises på Kvindemuseet i løbet af foråret 2018.
Udstillingen er opført i samarbejde med Women and Memory Forum, Tiraz Centre, The Knowledge Workshop, the American University in Cairo og the Danish-Egyptian Dialogue Institute.
Sådan så det ud, da udstillingen åbnede i Cairo d. 2. maj. Nedenfor kan I læse engelske uddrag af de forskellige interviews.
Maissan Hassan
We are at the exhibition entitled “Doing well, Don’t worry”, short stories about women, work and mobility, and the idea of this exhibition is to share glimpses from different women’s lives from different places like Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Denmark and to shed the light on their experiences concerning work.
Maha Al Said
In fact, the exhibition is very beautiful. I came to see it because we miss this kind of exhibitions. But this is not only a documentary exhibition, it also provides a feeling of pride, dignity and happiness about our heritage and our mothers whom we should be flattering all the time.
Reem Saad
A big part of the display is the archives or the archived work about oral history done by the Women and Memory Forum. Part of these archives is documents from my deceased mother Wadad Metri and she is one of the women whose stories are featured in this exhibition. And so, as her daughter, I am part of this as part of the displayed archives.
Ahdaf Soueif
I knew that the exhibition was opening today and since the Women and Memory Forum have a very good reputation, I came to explore it. I am amazed of the work done for it and the variety. It’s an exhibition about women, work and travel. It’s very rich and lovely.
Pascent Hassan Rida
I am the daughter of the actress Hind Rustom. I was asked to bring objects from her properties which I always kept. I brought what I could bring and they chose the objects. I hope people like this, because my mother had very unique objects and we are still preserving them.
Hala Galal
I am happy I came and saw this exhibition which is promoting a women’s museum like the ones already existing in many different countries in the world but not in ours.